How do we manage our safety and quality?

Standard 1: Clinical Governance

Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery has regularly revised governance systems that maintain and improve the reliability and quality of patient care as well as improve patient outcomes.

Monitoring & Evaluation (M & E) meetings

Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery has a formal meeting with Podiatrists, Anaesthetist, Nursing and a Consumer Representative. The committee has the ability to co-op other specialist members and consumers as required. This committee address clinical compliance and excellence.

Clinical Indicators

Clinical indicators are measures of elements of clinical care, which may, when assessed over time, provide a method of assessing the quality and safety of care. Adelaide Ambulatory Surgical Suite collect a number of clinical indicators that can be benchmarked against published data. These include:

  • Failure to arrive
  • Unplanned overnight admission
  • Unplanned delay in discharge
  • Cancellation after arrival due to pre-existing medical condition, acute medical condition/administration or organisation reason
  • Medication error/Adverse drug reaction
  • Unplanned return to operating room
  • Hospital acquired infection
  • Patient falls
  • Pressure injuries

Discharge Information

Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery provides comprehensive information both before and after your surgery to assist patients to be fully informed, prepared and in control of your planning for discharge and post discharge follow up.

Standard 2: Partnering with Consumers

Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery supports active participation by consumers in the improvement of patient experiences and patient health outcomes, for continuous quality improvement.
All patients are given the opportunity to provide feedback, formally and informally.
We have Compliments, Complaints and Suggestion forms in recovery that we encourage you to fill in. This feedback is treated with the utmost confidentiality may be provided anonymously.
We also conduct Consumer interviews and Patient Experience Surveys on an annual basis. All feedback is de-identified and tabled at our Monitoring and Evaluation meetings.
If you are interested in participating, please contact our team who will be very happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with our Safety and Quality.
They can be contacted by phone on 08 83423131 or email on

Standard 3: Preventing & Controlling Infections

Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery has a comprehensive infection prevention and control program in place. Our facility and staff are regularly audited for compliance with national infection prevention and control guidelines, Australian Standards for reprocessing of reusable instruments (AS 4187) and the Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Healthcare [ACSQHC] National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.
Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery monitors and submits their post-operative infection rate to the Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons (refer to Surgical audit report attached).

Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery is committed to the Hand Hygiene Australia program and conducts regular audits to ensure compliance with the 5 moments of hand hygiene. (refer full report attached)

Standard 4: Medication Safety

Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery has governance systems in place to reduce or eradicate the occurrence of medication incidents and improve the safety and quality of medicine use. Regular audits are conducted to ensure compliance. There have been no medication errors reported in since 2015.

Standard 5: Comprehensive Care

Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery has a Clinical pathway, based on best practice which includes preassessment during consulting to ensure that we can provide the safest and most appropriate care for you and your loved ones.
This includes assessing for medical conditions that may not be appropriate for a standalone day facility or management plan to ensure we can provide a safe environment for you.
It is also a chance for you to discuss your goals of care with your surgeon.

Standard 6: Communicating for Safety

Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery has governance systems in place to ensure systems for effective and structured clinical handover ensuring safe, continual and confidential patient care, the correct identification of patients and correct matching of patients with their intended treatment.

Standard 7: Blood Management

Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery has an exemption to this standard as no blood or blood products are administered.

Standard 8: Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration Standard

Adelaide Ambulatory Day Surgery has governance and clinical systems in use to recognize and respond to clinical deterioration promptly to ensure appropriate action is taken. Please don’t hesitate to let any of our staff know when you have any concerns.

How can you help us manage Safety and Quality?

We value our patients and their carers. Please feel free to let one of the staff know if you would like to assist with reviewing any of our Safety and Quality initiatives.

Would you like further information?

Our team will be very happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with our Safety and Quality. They can be contacted on 08 8342 3131 or by email on

Meanwhile, we are here to assist you so please do not hesitate to ask for assistance at any time.